Double bill with Between Fire & Sea on the Great March of Return, Gaza’s 2018-19 peaceful mass protest movement. Exclusive footage of The Great March of Return, Gaza’s peaceful mass protest movement of 2018 when 40-50,000 people gathered at the fence between Gaza and Israel. Filmed during the height of the protest. Along with background to the protests, interviews enable the people of Gaza to speak for themselves of their concerns, hopes, ambitions, and longing for change. Also explains the Israeli use of illegal exploding bullets that cut into the flesh before exploding creating catastrophic injuries. As with every other manifestation of the Palestinian demand for dignity, Israel used the Great March of Return to engage in mass slaughter: 200 were killed and 29,00 wounded by Israeli forces. “This is a situation completely underestimated by the world. More people were injured in about 10 days of mostly peaceful demonstrations than during the 50 days of an all-out war in 2014. This should have generated far more robust reactions.” (UNRWA Commissioner-General June 2018)