Red Carpet in Gaza
Saturday November 30, 2024 2:30 pm
Presented with Leeds Justice and Peace
Wheeler Hall, Cathedral House, Great George St, LS2 8BE (behind the Cathedral)
Doors open: 2pm
Start 2.30pm
We were amazed and inspired to learn that not one, but two Film Festivals have taken place in the displacement camps of southern Gaza this year.
We bring you a selection of the best films screened at both festivals: Creators Despite Displacement - the Al-Quds (Jerusalem) International Film Festival marking its 7th year – and Al-Aouda Festival, in its 8th year.
With equipment frequently destroyed, many of the poignant films depicting perspectives and feelings on the current reality were shot on phones. Red carpets were rolled out among the tents and rubble.
We have secured inspiring interviews recorded specially for us with the Directors and audience members of the Festivals.
Both Festivals are testaments to the incredible steadfastness, defiance and love of life shown by Gaza’s film-makers.
Juman Quneis, Palestinian film-maker and Journalism lecturer, will introduce the films, talk about the difficulties faced by the film-makers and Festival organisers, and facilitate discussion between films.
Shattered Memory - Hayat Laban, 2024, Palestine 15mins
Hope Dies Last - Mohammmed Sahli, 2024, Palestine - 2mins
The Tale of Two Festivals - 2024 - 2 mins
Selfies - Reema Mahmoud, 2024, Palestine - 7 mins
Hell's Heaven - Karim Satoon, 2024, Palestine - 4 mins