My Tree
26/11/2023 7:30 pm
Presented with Otley Film Society
Jason Sherman, 2021, Canada, 102 mins
Otley Courthouse, LS21 3AN
It is considered one of the most righteous acts on Earth, the simple planting of a tree. But can it be an act of destruction as well?
Keen to locate his seedling and uncover its origins, Film maker Jason Sherman embarks on a journey of discovery from Toronto to Tel Aviv. When he discovers that it may stand on the remains of razed Palestinian villages on a Jewish National Fund site called “Canada Park”, he is forced to question his own culpability.
These afforestation projects are part of a national project to expel Palestinians off their lands, and green-wash pine forest monocultures as environmental projects. During his travel, Sherman connects with a range of people with diverse views of the JNF’s forest projects, and offers a rare in-depth glimpse into the operations of this secretive charity.