My Tree

26/11/2023 7:30 pm

Otley Courthouse, LS21 3AN

Presented with Otley Film Society

Film and Speaker

Jason Sherman, 2021, Canada, 102 mins

It is considered one of the most righteous acts on Earth, the simple planting of a tree. But can it be an act of destruction as well?

Keen to locate his seedling and uncover its origins, Film maker Jason Sherman embarks on a journey of discovery from Toronto to Tel Aviv. When he discovers that it may stand on the remains of razed Palestinian villages on a Jewish National Fund site called “Canada Park”, he is forced to question his own culpability.

These afforestation projects are part of a national project to expel Palestinians off their lands, and green-wash pine forest monocultures as environmental projects. During his travel, Sherman connects with a range of people with diverse views of the JNF’s forest projects, and offers a rare in-depth glimpse into the operations of this secretive charity.

Speaker / Q&A

with Manal Shqair after the screening. Manal is a Palestinian grassroots organizer, a climate activist and a researcher. Currently, Manal is doing her PhD in sociology at Queen Margaret University. Her research examines the role of Palestinian semi-nomadic women in Masafer Yatta in resisting Israeli settler colonial dispossession, intertwined with patriarchy and capitalism.