Roadmap to Apartheid

South Africa/Israel

Slung Low at The Holbeck Jenkinson Lawn LS11 9QX

The analogy of the Palestinian experience under Israeli occupation as apartheid is dissected in a forensic comparison with the history of apartheid in South Africa. Eye-witness accounts and unseen archive material are included.

In 2021 and 2022, Amnesty International as well as prominent Israeli and Palestinian human rights groups issued reports condemning Israel’s treatment of Palestinians as apartheid, a crime against humanity. This film remains one of the most insightful accounts of why this condemnation is valid. The Directors are a white South African and an Israeli.

Speaker / Q&A with Robert Cohen.
Robert Cohen
Robert Cohen is a well-known UK Jewish blogger on Israel/Palestine. He's also Chair of Amos Trust and is currently researching his PhD on Jewish journeys to Palestinian solidarity.
Winner of Milano International Film Festival Award 2012