Thank You

Donations 2020

A huge thanks to all those trusting and generous individuals who responded to our call out for funding to enable us to host our first ever LPFF on-line film festival. £1750 was raised through an appeal prior to the start of the festival.

We were also delighted to receive ongoing financial support from a number of Leeds City Councillors and from the Justice and Peace Commission in Leeds.

Your warmth and financial help has enabled the festival to go global this year.

Volunteers 2020

We also want to thank our wonderful volunteers who continue to help us with design, marketing and promotion, more important than ever this year as we reach out beyond Leeds..

Your enthusiasm helps to keep us going.

Professionals 2020

Finally, we want to thank all the people who have guided us through the complexities of putting LPFF on-line, creating such engaging visual material and promoting it so widely.

Your professional help has been invaluable.

Jude Abbott – website developer
Sean Clare – Trailer production
Jay Rozanski – oXyFire Media Creative
Ljupcho Pavlovski – Inplayer
Catriona Mahmoud – Social Media Manager

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