Jews Step Forward – Panel Discussion

A partnership event with Pax Christi and Justice & Peace (Leeds Diocese)

John Battle (Chair) is the former MP for Leeds West and Chair of the Diocese of Leeds Justice & Peace Commission. He is a long-time campaigner against poverty and injustice, supporter of Palestine, and now focused on local issues.

Pat Gaffney is the former General Secretary of Pax Christi in the UK, the International Catholic Movement for Peace. She has been on many fact-finding and solidarity visits to Israel and Palestine, and led an alternative peace pilgrimage to the region.

Dr Alice Rothchild is a retired US physician, women’s health activist, author, filmmaker, Steering Committee Member of Jewish Voice for Peace, Health Advisory Council and one of the interviewees in the film.

Adam Saeed is a Palestinian student of Arabic and Politics at the University of Leeds, cinema lover and activist in the Apartheid Off Campus student led-network (find them on Twitter: @AOC_movement)

Annexation, Occupation, Defiance

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