The Time that Remains

The Time that Remains

‘The Time That Remains’ is a semi-biographical drama written and directed by Palestinian director Elia Suleiman in 2009. It gives an account of the creation of the Israeli state from 1948 to the present by following strands of his and his father’s lives.

Film Maker as Activist – an afternoon of short films and discussion with Jon Pullman

In a period of such catastrophic human displacement in the Middle East, few people realise that the largest single refugee population in the world remains that of the Palestinians, ejected from their lands in 1948. This film shows how these long-term dispossessed and stateless people a largely forgotten reality.


Existence is Resistance

Join us for an evening of film and conversation on the theme of ‘Sumud’ – literally ‘steadfastness’ – with three short films and a photographic exhibition of Sumud posters from the Separation Wall in Bethlehem.

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